2022 高雄電影節請神造夢:XR沈浸式演唱會
VR 360 Video Synchronization System
2022 Kaohsiung Film Festival
XR immersive concert “Dieties’ Party”
VR的體驗往往專注於個人沈浸。而為了強調演場會最重要的集體共時感,因此特地為本次XR沈浸式演唱會開發VR頭顯影音播放系統「DONTAI SYNC」,同步串接72台VR頭顯,結合5G低延遲技術,讓現場觀眾的視覺可以共時同步體驗,悠遊在藝術家們共同建構的虛幻世界當中,而在大象體操與血肉果汁機現場編織的綿密音牆之下,眾人的身體經驗層層交疊,構築演出的全新型態。共時沈浸的震撼感受將成為未來現場演出的核心主軸,「DONTAI SYNC」可根據演出性質,調整同步頭顯的數量,無論人數多寡,皆能融合一起沈浸其中,創造共同的感動,體驗無可取代的現場溫度。
In order to emphasize the most important collective sense of synchronicity at the concert, a VR head-mounted audio and video playback system "DONTAI SYNC" was specially developed for this XR immersive concert “Dieties’ Party”, synchronously connecting 72 VR headsets, combined with 5G low-latency technology, allowing the audience's vision can be experienced simultaneously. Under the dense sound woven on site by the Elephant Gym, Flesh Juicer and Lord Tiger, everyone's physical experience overlaps layer by layer to construct the new form of performance. The system "DONTAI SYNC" can adjust the number of simultaneous headsets according to the nature of the performance. No matter how large the number of people, they can all be integrated and immersed to experience the irreplaceable on-site atmosphere.

演唱會內容主要表演由新銳藝術家葉澈透過 4DViews 掃描加上 360 度實拍,結合大象體操數字搖滾的精密安排與九天民俗技藝團的擊鼓節奏,打造出如夢似幻「眾神的派對」。天際透出橘紅光芒,DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀以電音接手請神,串連福利事 XR 虛擬實景攝影 X 4DViews 容積擷取《虎年大吉奇幻血肉2.0》Flesh Juicer 血肉果汁機之虎爺 XR LIVE MV,透過VR頭顯影音播放系統與5G技術,讓你感受影像聲音的極速饗宴。
The concert is a dreamlike “Dieties’ Party”, created by the pioneer artist YEH Che through 4Dviews scanning and 360-degree filming, combining with the digital rock music of Elephant Gym and the drumming of Chio-Tian Folk Drums & Arts Troupe. With DJ Mykal’s electronic music, Frees Design’s XR virtual reality filming and 4Dviews volumetric capturing, XR LIVE MV The Year of the Tiger: Fantastic Flesh 2.0. of Flesh Juicer and Lord Tiger, will bring you a super speed audiovisual feast via 5G low latency hyper transmission technology.
For the audience to experience the possibilities of future performance, this exhibition applies the concept of “beyond 5G streaming of VR concert”, and restores the original atmosphere of the concert. Wearing VR headsets, the audience can rock with gods and make dreams as if they were truly at the concert.
Source|高雄電影節 XR無限幻境